1080P, IR Bullet Mini Camera

Key Features
○ Compact, metal design
○ Powerful impact protection due to IK10
○ Excellent water protection resistance due to IP66


CB-BIB2036F is an IP bullet camera ideal for day & high-powered night time surveillance. This camera is enclosed in a high quality, weatherproof, durable case for outdoor surveillance and can produce a sharp, high quality, color images even in low light environments.

Image - High Resolution (CB-BIB2036F_HR.jpg, 123 Kb) [Download]

Technical Datasheet (CB-BIB2036F.pdf, 264 Kb) [Download]

Dimensions (CB-BIB2036F_dim.jpg, 38 Kb) [Download]

CE Certificate (CE_for_Bullet_IP_cameras.pdf, 294 Kb) [Download]

IP66 - IK10 Certificate (IP66-IK10_for_Bullet_IP_cameras_short_version.pdf, 143 Kb) [Download]

Image_Low Resolution (CB-BIB2036F_LR.jpg, 44 Kb) [Download]