Fog Defender Enterprise, CBFM-E2C

Ideal for large areas

Key Features
○ The ideal fogging system to protect large areas like large shops, warehouses, superstores or even targets in open space
○ It is equipped with 2 removable cylinders and with a wall metal bracket for an easy installation
○ It covers up to 1800
m³ of dense fog in less than 60 seconds


○ The fastest and most powerful machine covering up to 1800m³ in less then 60 seconds
○ The most dense fog among fogging systems thanks to an 80% glycol in its fog fluid and the proprietary shooting technology based on fog cylinders
○ Equipped with double fog cylinder technology, when the first cylinder is empty the machine switches automatically on the second
○ Thanks to the massive insulation Fog Defender Advanced has a very low power consumption
○ It can shoot for longer time in absence of main power
○ Temperature of the machine is stable all the time
○ Fog Defender Enterprise
product line is certifed after European regulation and its fog fluid is assessed as not dangerous for people and animals and do not leave residuals

General_Leaflet (Fog_Defender_Flyer.pdf, 822 Kb) [Download]

Image_High Resolution (Fog_Defender_Enterprise_HighRes.jpg, 757 Kb) [Download]

Technical Datasheet (Fog_Defender_Enterprise.pdf, 274 Kb) [Download]